Friday, November 1, 2013

747 SOC Restoration Part 10

Panel line details continued with the wings.

Note the old eraser shield drafting tool.

Friday, October 11, 2013

747 SOC Restoration Part 9

It's starting to look like something!

The tail was too plain, so next it was time to add in some panel lines.

Friday, October 4, 2013

747 SOC Restoration Part 8

With the wing done I decided to detail up the tail.

I noticed the de-icing boots on the tail were pretty prominent in the reference pics and it was an easy thing to mask and paint.

Friday, September 20, 2013

747 SOC Restoration Part 7

During my research on the new NASA 747 color scheme, I discovered that the top of the wings have some sort of rubberized coating that manifests in a subtle color variation. I thought it would be a good idea to simulate this effect on the model. To do this I would have admit defeat and pull out the airbrush...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

747 SOC Restoration Part 6

With the white top half painted, it was a fairly straight forward step to mask the top off and paint the bottom half.
Masking for two-tone paint job.,

Friday, August 30, 2013

747 SOC Restoration Part 5

Now that the model was whole again, I sanded off all the old decals and livery. A light coat of primer was used again to check for cracks and general smoothness of the model.
Decals sanded away and grey primer sprayed on.

Friday, August 23, 2013

747 SOC restoration part 4

With the wings no longer looking like a two-year old had been playing with them, it was time to take on the tail.

The balsa wood stabilizer kept breaking off when I handled the plane, so I decided to replicate it with styrene plastic instead. Styrene was actually a better solution as it is stronger and smoother. Wood would have to have its grain filled and sanded. More work than was necessary.

Cloned vertical stab.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

747 SOC restoration part 3

Getting a smooth finish took a few cycles of filling - sanding - filler - and sanding some more. For filler, I used super glue (medium CA) and baking soda. This makes a good mechanical bond and sands fairly well with small files and wet sand paper.

Super glue and baking soda used as gap filler.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

747 SOC restoration part 2

When I received the model from my partner in crime. The wings had been neatly glued back on and the missing vertical stabilizer was replaced with a balsa wood version.

Friday, August 2, 2013

747 Space Shuttle Carrier desk model restoration project

747 desk model after wing tips glued back on.
A friend of mine who worked at a NASA facility came to me and asked if I would be interested in fixing up an old desk model of the Space Shuttle carrier. After mulling it over for a few seconds I decided it could be a neat project, so I answered in the affirmative.

What he gave me was in pretty sorry shape. The space shuttle part wasn't too bad, but the 747 below it had seen much better days. Both wing tips were broken off and the tail was missing one of the stabilizers. The model obviously had been dropped multiple times and was in need of some serious love.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Messy One

My work bench is rarely clean. 
I’m almost always working on a modeling project of one sort or another. So Join me as I progress through a myriad of various scale modeling activities.