Friday, August 2, 2013

747 Space Shuttle Carrier desk model restoration project

747 desk model after wing tips glued back on.
A friend of mine who worked at a NASA facility came to me and asked if I would be interested in fixing up an old desk model of the Space Shuttle carrier. After mulling it over for a few seconds I decided it could be a neat project, so I answered in the affirmative.

What he gave me was in pretty sorry shape. The space shuttle part wasn't too bad, but the 747 below it had seen much better days. Both wing tips were broken off and the tail was missing one of the stabilizers. The model obviously had been dropped multiple times and was in need of some serious love.

This project was a semi-joint effort. A fellow modeler wanted to help, so I assigned him the task of gluing the pieces back together and I would finish and paint it.

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