Friday, August 23, 2013

747 SOC restoration part 4

With the wings no longer looking like a two-year old had been playing with them, it was time to take on the tail.

The balsa wood stabilizer kept breaking off when I handled the plane, so I decided to replicate it with styrene plastic instead. Styrene was actually a better solution as it is stronger and smoother. Wood would have to have its grain filled and sanded. More work than was necessary.

Cloned vertical stab.

Once the stab was glued in, I needed to make the structural supports. I used an old technique of heating some scrap model parts sprue over a candle until it became soft, then pulling the two ends apart while it cooled. After a few tries I had some nice thin struts I could cut to size.

Finished stab ready to paint


  1. Ha! I knew balsa was no good from the begginning

  2. U fabricated that arm because in real life there is such an arm or that was for support so it gets glued correctly?

  3. The support arms are there in real life.
