Friday, February 28, 2014

The Tin Dog. K-9 Construction Project, Part 6

Mr. Fibuli!! For some reason this story is one of my favorites. Written by the estimable Douglas Adams, the story seems a bit silly on the surface, but as it plays out becomes quite a bit more thoughtful and intrigue laden that one would think. It had great moments involving Jelly babies, flying cars, a scene chewing cyborg, and of course K-9 vs. a robot parrot!

Speaking of K-9, time to show the first of some personal modifications I've made to my build...

Head gear work continues with the addition of some extra goodies.

I made a big deviation on the neck mount with a bit of PVC pipe. I'll elaborate in a future post why, but if it works, it will be really neat.
Next tube mount.
In the very first appearance of K-9, he is seen printing out the results of some sort of analysis through his "mouth". Of course, I just had to see if I could really shove a tiny printer into his head. I eventually found this Mini Thermal Printer from Adafruit. They even provide a library for Arduino! Which I'm sure could be ported to other platforms.
With a little trimming of the plastic, the little thermal printer fits inside the head quite nicely.
Printer trimming.
I used some scrap pieces of plastic to make a frame around the printer to keep it in place.
Scrap styrene brackets.
Some styrene sheets were then cut to shape so as to provide a channel guide for the printer paper.
Paper guide channels.
Mouth view.
The "mouth" had to be widened slightly from the plan dimensions to match the paper width, but I doubt anyone would notice if I didn't point it out. Now I just have to come up with the variety of things I can have him print out.

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