Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Tin Dog. K-9 Construction Project, Part 4

The link notes that this story is quite popular. Personally, I'm luke-warm to it. I also thought it was a little long, but it had it's fun moments. It may seem a bit insensitive to in some respects, but not overly so. Of course then there is the pig-robot-thing, which was pretty entertaining.

Now on to K-9's head!

Head construction is broken down into two main sub-assemblies. Pics below outline the main sub-assembly

Base platform of the head.

Rear formers.
 I recalled an episode (Pirate Planet) where K-9 fights a robot parrot and "delivers" the defeated parrot to the Doctor. Realizing it would be very neat for my K-9 to be able to hold things on it's nose, I made provisions for installing an electro-magnet in its nose. To do so I cut out slots in two if the three 1mm layers so as to only have a thin layer of styrene between the magnet and whatever he would pick up.
Nose modifications for one or tow electromagnets..

Look, ma, a head!

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