Friday, February 21, 2014

The Tin Dog. K-9 Construction Project, Part 5

The Doctor is a Manchurian Candidate! This was a neat story and seemed to be a fun role for Tom Baker. The false ending was great and I loved the threatening music when the Sontaran warriors show up as kill joys.

K-9 has a "probe" which is a common power antenna from a car. In my case I found a generic replacement power antenna at a local auto parts store.

Genesis of K-9's probe.

Fresh out of box.
 I needed to remove the parts at the end of the antenna mechanism. Fortunately, everything just screwed off.
Start by removing end caps.
Once that was done, the inner and outer tube housing can be removed.
Disassembled unit.
I then extended the inner brass sleeve which forces the antenna to extend longer that normal. The mechanism is not smart enough to know how long the antenna is, only that it is fully extended or retracted. There are positive, ground, and a +12V trigger wires. Very easy to wire up.
Brass sleeve held in place with screws tapped into outer tube.

Mounted to aluminum channel with even more tapped screws

It Works!
The whole mechanism is bolted to the aluminum "neck" with short 2mm screws carefully tapped and threaded into the metal outer tube of the antenna.

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