Friday, February 28, 2014

The Tin Dog. K-9 Construction Project, Part 6

Mr. Fibuli!! For some reason this story is one of my favorites. Written by the estimable Douglas Adams, the story seems a bit silly on the surface, but as it plays out becomes quite a bit more thoughtful and intrigue laden that one would think. It had great moments involving Jelly babies, flying cars, a scene chewing cyborg, and of course K-9 vs. a robot parrot!

Speaking of K-9, time to show the first of some personal modifications I've made to my build...

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Tin Dog. K-9 Construction Project, Part 5

The Doctor is a Manchurian Candidate! This was a neat story and seemed to be a fun role for Tom Baker. The false ending was great and I loved the threatening music when the Sontaran warriors show up as kill joys.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Tin Dog. K-9 Construction Project, Part 4

The link notes that this story is quite popular. Personally, I'm luke-warm to it. I also thought it was a little long, but it had it's fun moments. It may seem a bit insensitive to in some respects, but not overly so. Of course then there is the pig-robot-thing, which was pretty entertaining.

Now on to K-9's head!

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Tin Dog. K-9 Construction Project, Part 3

Sara Jane's swan song episode. I can see why Sara Jane Smith character was so popular as she was a pretty neat companion. Though the Doctor kind of unceremoniously dumped her off before going along his [not so] merry way. What was neat is that when she re-appeared in the more recent Doctor Who series, she openly complains to the Doctor to that fact. Remarking that he dropped her off in the wrong place and never bothered to check up on her again (though he did leave a K-9 to look after her!).