Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Tin Dog. K-9 construction project, Part 2

While building K-9, I figured I would also watch/re-watch old Tom Baker era episodes of doctor who both for inspiration and to serve as a rough time reference. Many of the episodes I had not see since the 80s and quite a few I simply didn't remember.

The Brain of Morbius is interesting because the planet in which the episodes take place was again re-visited in the recent mini-episode, "Night of the Doctor" starring Paul McGann. For some reason I loved the voice modulation of Morbius as a brain in a tank.

By the time I had finished the story, much of the pieces for the sides had been cut and I could go off and start gluing things.

Cutting out the inset pieces. I took care to conserve as much material as I could.

Lots of cutting, filing/sanding, and fitting. A bit tedious, but not hard.

You can see some overlap that will be sanded flush later.

Now we're getting somewhere!
Everything fit together pretty well. The insets add character and dimension.
Unfortunately, the plans don't include details on how to finish the side door, but that shouldn't be hard to figure out.

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