Friday, January 10, 2014

747 SOC Restoration Part 11

Some basic aileron and flap details finishes off the wings.

I had to resist a strong urge to add many more details as this is a desktop model and unless I wanted
to spend a lot of time on the shuttle (I didn't) I thought it would look too detailed compared to the shuttle.

So with the painting done, it was on to make the custom decals.

Using various pictures and graphics found on the web, I first printed up some basic B&W copies to check the scaling. I could only find a small section of windows, so I simply "cloned" more windows and doors using Paintshop until I had the length I needed.

Satisfied with the sizes. I again used Paintshop to arrange all the graphics onto a sheet of clear decal paper ( I found Bare Metal Foil's to be very good) to be printed with my color ink jet printer. Just to be safe, I made extra in case some decals became damaged during application. I also filled in any empty space with graphics for another model I was building.

Once the decal sheet was printed, several coats of Krylon Gloss Crystal Clear was sprayed on. The first coat was very light (to prevent any ink from running). Then a medium and finally a fairly heavy coat. Once dried for a day or so, the decals were ready to apply.

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